Simmer Pots for the Lazy Kitchen Witch

A Simmer Pot is an easy way to not only add pleasant aromas into your home, but you can do it using the metaphysical properties of herbs, spices and fruit with intention! I’ll be real with you, I’m pretty lazy when it comes to my kitchen witchery. I tend not to make a big deal about the things that happen in there as much as I do about my altar. I’m of the low effort variety when it comes to things happening in that room entirely. So I wanted to share my low effort, low cost simmer pots for the lazy kitchen witches out there.

This is easy… so easy, low effort, almost no effort!

Depending on how you use your kitchen, you probably already have a basic understanding of what herbs or spices do what. When I say “do what” I mean… you probably already use lavender, rosemary, thyme, bay leaves, etc. with Intention in your kitchen. If you are just starting out and you don’t, that’s okay too. We live in a wonderful age where this information is easily available to us online.

If you prefer to have a hard copy of something in your kitchen, I recommend the following books :

Low Cost Simmer Tips

Here are some tips that I have learned from my years of dabbling in kitchen witchery.


Use what you already have available to you if you have already used it. For example, I use eucalyptus leaves in my shower so I save it after and reuse it for a simmer pot. I’ll use pine for my altar for the holidays and save it for a simmer pot later. I’ll have roses for a vase in my house and save the petals for later. The majority of my simmer pots are left overs because witchcraft and intention don’t have to be expensive!

Use what you already have!

Most everyone cooks with basic herbs and spices, ALL of those have meaning, so don’t write them off thinking that you need exotic herbs or spices to add to your simmer pots. Fruits are also amazing additions, often they add both citrus and positivity to a room.

Magical waters can add some extra magick!

Do you already make moon water each month? Have you collected rainwater? Is there snow outside? Add some of that powerful water to your simmer pot!

Craft Your Simmer Pot!

But don’t burn your house down… Do not leave your simmer pot unattended or leave a fire burning while you are not home!

When crafting your simmer pot, your ingredients can be dry or wet. I find that using a mix of both helps balance out the pot.

Add all of your ingredients (with intention of course) first, then pour in water so that your ingredients are fully submerged. Let your Simmer Pot come to a boil, then turn down the heat and let simmer.

You’ll want to let the pot simmer enough so that the water evaporates almost to the point of being gone. Crafting a simmer pot is as easy as that! I use these for holidays, setting intention for the month and as an easy way to cleanse my home. Magick doesn’t have to be complicated, expensive or difficult.

Be Feral my lovelies.

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